Lowcode4all – vision

The no-code/low-code revolution will empower local companies and local developers to benefit from advanced IT solutions.

Gone are the days when companies and organisations could become competitive by buying an off-the-shelf solution from large organisations.

To be competitive now, to meet the demands of current customers and citizens, you need to accommodate and, preferably, even pre-empt their requests.

Low-code environments enable you to do that. Build applications fast and be able to customize them in days to any changing customer needs or to accommodate new opportunities.

Who will benefit from this?

Local companies and organisations.

First of all, it are the local companies and organisations that benefit from this. Suddenly they can use IT to effectively service their customers and to compete with companies that have large IT teams at their disposal.

Local software companies.

The demands of customers and citizens can often no longer be met by standard applications. To meet these challenges effectively, applications have to be flexible so that they can be adapted to changing business needs quickly. This opens the market for local software developers. Software developers who know the demands in their community and who can help local companies and organisations to offer the service that they want.

And we at Lowcode4all want to help with that. We want to help software developers and students become professional no-code/low-code developers. One way we do that is by providing programs to universities to have their students gain real low-code/no-code experience.

Once developers have become certified developers, we want to teach them the skills to attract customers and build long-term relationships so that they can create stable software companies to service their local community.

Low-code rules

We believe that over the next decade, low-code applications will be implemented in all organizations that want to improve customer service. More and more regulations, working times, and customer demands vary on a local level. Staff wants to have flexible working hours, new marketing channels will come up, customers expect a personal service, and all this needs to be managed.

The only environments that can deal effectively with such ever-changing demands are low-code environments. Only low-code environments benefit from both the productivity of no-code ànd the flexibility of being able to meet local requirements.

VINYL: development time changes from months and years to days and weeks.

Empowering developers

Application developers need to provide solutions. They are always under time pressure. For decades there was a large discrepancy between the moment that there was a need for data processing and the moment that developers could meet that need. Enterprise-grade software development was expensive and costs time.

Low-code development environments drastically change that situation. Once a system has been set up, taking data security and user roles into account, developers can implement changes quickly with an agile, prototype-based, development approach.

Lowcode4all teaches software developers and students how to benefit from this. How to develop business-grade solutions in less time than ever before, and how to maintain them.

Creating Entrepreneurs

We believe that due to low-code environments, software development will become localized. That local developers, who have personal connections with their community, will help local companies and organisations to reach their ambitions.

To do that with a viable business approach, every certified VINYL developer can participate in our Entrepreneurs Academy. During these courses, we will teach you how to attract customers and how to build long-term relationships with them. So that you can create a stable software company, building IT solutions for your community.

Are you interested?

Watch the video at the top for more information about our vision.

We are now preparing the training programs and Lowcode4all starts in 2024.

  • Do you want to become a professional no-code/low-code developer?
  • Are you an ambitious developer who wants to offer customizable business solutions to your community?
  • Or do you teach at a university and are you looking for an attractive course to have your students gain real no-code/low-code experience?

Then contact us with the form below and we will keep you informed.

Thanks for your time and we look forward to helping you or your students on the exciting path of bringing practical solutions to local communities.

Paul Schoe

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