Author: Paul

Comments welcome

In 2024 the training of the Lowcode4all Academy starts and we will introduce our unique Lowcode Course on YouTube. Your comments and suggestions are WELCOME! Contrary to our 20-second ads on Facebook and TikTok, YouTube advertisements can be longer. That resulted in a completely different approach and design. This is an example of one of the advertisements […]

Shorts, Reels & TikToks

On average, our animated video lectures are 15 to 20 minutes long. Lots of information to not only teach developers how to technically use a low-code application environment but also to let them fully benefit from being able to provide ready-to-change applications to their community. And yet, you also find Lowcode4all videos on Google Shorts, […]

Understanding the Benefits

Marot Matosov, vice-president of the reputable IT Service provider Damco Solutions (over 1500 employees), wrote a very worthwhile article about Low-Code and No-Code Platforms: Understanding The Benefits. In several short and very accessible paragraphs, Marot Matosov: Although every sentence of his article is worthwhile mentioning here, I will limit myself to quoting this section about […]

Register NOW

Become a Low-Code Application Developer Low-code Developer’s course In January 2024, we will start with our first developers course. Below you already find a preview of the first animated lecture. During this 8-lecture course, you go through all aspects of low-code application design and you will build your own low-code application. Topics that will be […]

Ready-to-Go applications

Lowcode4all is all about empowering local software developers so that they can help organisations in their communities provide the best service to customers and be(come) the most competitive in their market. We do that by providing training in low-code application platforms (LCAP). With low-code development, you can develop applications faster than ever. What used to […]

Lowcode4all – vision

The no-code/low-code revolution will empower local companies and local developers to benefit from advanced IT solutions. Gone are the days when companies and organisations could become competitive by buying an off-the-shelf solution from large organisations. To be competitive now, to meet the demands of current customers and citizens, you need to accommodate and, preferably, even […]